Gas rising cost in Melbourne
The idea of tackling the fuel supply while entering the local fuel market comprises of a number of factors apart from providing end-to-end customer service.
Some of the factors are the ever-increasing gas costs persuading the drivers to search for cost-efficient fuel consumption. The second factor is creating an environment that is well and good for disruption and transformation for under-servicing and market fragmentation.
The last factor is the need to raise the gas prices and the energy costs according to the energy and electricity policies, ultimately causing the company to seek fuel cost savings.
Our mission has a vision and is straight-forward:
Our first milestone is to deliver a minimum of 15% of gas costs savings in the whole span of one’s ownership.
To provide efficient and turnkey solutions that are reliable and generic.
To provide full maintenance and service to the systems for maximum reliability, compliance, and efficiency.
To promote the concept of self-generation through which people can have the ability to save on gas prices when the electricity costs are at peak.
We have been striving to work towards this outcome for more than 2 years by flagging the local market’s sales of Coldry in the year 2016.
Other than that, we’ve been very concerned about the rising electricity and gas costs and the need to do something in order to control them.
The Victorian government of Australia has initiated many exploration opportunities and studies regarding the ever-increasing gas prices and fuel supply constraints. But this won’t be enough as Melbourne and all of the Victoria needs diverse energy.
According to the Australia Energy Regulator, the gas costs have hit their maximum level in the previous decade and have also doubled in the year 2016.
The main reason for the high gas prices is the supply which has been cited to increase day by day. Bruce Robertson, an analyst blames the fuel market concentration. He stated that Victorian manufacturers are paying a pretty penny and are going broke while increasing their production but the solution does not lie in more production. Just when the production has increased, the gas costs have increased as well.
Regardless, the Australian Victorian government has embarked a 1-year study about the two major underground gas reserves in the onshore basins which stretch towards the south.
To be more specific, this study is not open to the exploration of ‘unconventional gas’ but rather conventional gas.
If the study embarked by the Victorian government showcases that there are several opportunities to extract gas without damaging the water bed and the farmers’ lands, then the gas exploration can be commercialised. However, the security might be little to none.
Bruce Robertson also says that this gas exploration will alter the whole fuel market’s supply. It isn’t about the gas supply but market concentration. Moreover, gas companies can increase their gas prices for the international market.
Increasing the export demand also means increasing the power generation on a domestic level. As the capacity of wind and solar increases, the dispatchable energy also increases. This enables the gas power stations to plug in the gaps in gas supply due to intermittent renewable.
In terms of basic efficiency and affordability of the utility heat and fuel market, many primary agricultural companies have been forgotten.
The main issue is that people are focusing more on electricity generation for wind and solar energy. These methods cannot usually generate reliable and affordable volumes of power and heat.
The government is focusing on biomass so that the country can run with ‘green’ solutions but the feedback tells us that it will generate poor performance energy. To achieve the desired power and heat production, the government has to undergo many problems and complexities such as low efficiency, low affordability, increased fouling of gear and equipment and increased maintenance downtime.
The other issue is that installing ideal systems that in actual, is not possible. Many businesses are asking the manufacturers to install ideal systems which is not possible.
Our latest steam services and an effective business model partners with the businesses to improve the reliability and to lessen down the lifetime costs of ownership.